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zäme unterwägs was launched in September 2021 by Michelle and Timon.
Since early 2022 Mathews is handling all local affairs concerning the Guesthouse in Malawi.
Since mid 2023 zäme unterwägs supports Mobali's efforts in DRC.
As believing Christians we are convinced of God's desire to reconcile and restore all of creation through his son Jesus Christ.
Partners & Friends
During our many visits to the beautiful country of Malawi, we got to meet many inspiring people, many of whom have become partners and friends.

Mobali Namuhindura
Founder CSI DRC
a passionate farmer & teacher

Mathews Joshua Banda
Project Lead Guesthouse
Business Administration
a great host and entertainer

Decent & Nadja Levson
Founders EHo Malawi
Agronomist & Teacher
a visionary, great teacher and mentor to many
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